The Worlds
Les 11, 12 & 13

Here is how His Majesty finish to the third place as in
And passes from the 50th to the 33rd place worldwide!

To start, just like Frédéric write ... "Super tournament in Lisbon. City : Built
on seven hills, climbs, descents, steep stairs everywhere, but nice to see :
Some monuments and museums and the restaurants and Fado in Bairro Alto. The
place : the Maritime Museum, which exhibits the great Royal Barges. " ... It was
the same Lisbon for The Emperor!

Otherwise, We were playing French ordonnance, a selected army after long and
careful thought ... it is an open tournament, We do not like that! We don’t want
to play Our Later Hungarian as last year ... so We had to change, even if We did
Our Third Place in 2012 with them! It was the first reason for this choice! The
second reason is that We need to show to the world, the beautiful figurines that
The Emperor has never played in tournament : knights and generals from Venexia,
a general, pikemen, longbowmen and swiss hangunners heroes from Legio Heroica,
men of arms , longbowmen and hangunners from Essex!
And one last reason, in this We can enroll BG pikemen sup 2, 2 and 2 knights
trained longbowmen !
All it takes to break an army where it hurts, retaining the rest with 4 BG light
14.30 Friday, September 11, against the medieval portuguese Dave Saunders (GB)
291st, result: 11.8 to 8.2
Already seen, already beaten ... nice opponent !
The Emperor ordered the troops according to the ordonnance rules ! So He put His
Imperial Light Troops first and especially His Two BG 4 of poum-poum boys, one
swiss on the letf wing and one lansquenets on the right !
So, here is his Majesty on the trail of a new trophy for His Imperial tournament!
The trophy of the best shooters... the poum-poum boys trophy!
At this rate, We and we are not moving quickly in our story, about the victories
and glory! So back to our opponent plays portuguese because it comes in Portugal
... when the Worlds will be organized in EU, he will go with indians without a
So the first and Dave and British of many during this weekend, play full of
archers and knight and struggles like hell not to die and succeeds! Usually it
dies ... it's not a good sign!
Friday, September 11 19:00 against the French ordinance of David Bannister (GB)
25th, result: 20 to 5
Our Rueil 2014 british... one that won Us 20-5 and banished us to the 4th ! Or
may be Bannisted Us…
So the "Imperial Vengeance" mode is engaged ... but nothing worse than a twin
So as usual, His Majesty as planned and scheduled! David plays 2 BG of 8 francs
archers that We call "chicken killer" when only one of 6 is compulsory... and it
is already too much for our taste ... then two!
The "Imperial Vengeance" mode engaged, We are rushing into the heap thoroughl.
Our Swiss advancing against his swiss and Our Longbowmen against his "chicken
killer" ... as the carousel of his knights and cavalry lancer’s entertained the
rest of Our Troops!
Meanwhile arrive on the bard Borix and his young apprentice Filix

also amused by the whole cavalcade and confirm our Imperial Conclusions : send
troops left to right and vice versa, is not a sign of mastery of a battle plan
that may be exist ... But David did it with talent !
Our Poum Poum-Boy realize their first exploits by degrading the moral of the
left swiss allowing their destruction by our Left swiss !
While on the right the right of Our Swiss don’t take longer to meet its right-wing
Believing We decoy to load Our Knights of the left ...... but the trapper is
trap and Our Knight charge his knights and average cavalry lancers In short, it
loses its center and cut Our Wings ... But sadly it place too many people in the
center ... more or less half of the army!
Saturday, September 12 9:30 late Ottoman Turks against Terry Shaw (GB) 20th, result: 10-10
The following is still british and even better ! So prudence, it is more rider
and “light-trouped” than We and his janissaries are professionals shooters ! Let
us add that his Serbian ally is serious ... We would say very six-rious!
So We are rushing into the heap, because this seems to capture the british
opponents! We aim his 6 serbian knights who saw happen 8 longbowmen flanked by
16 Swiss pikemen ... they start to melt in their armor!
Our Men-at-arms grow superiors and elites cavalrymen on the left wing ... other
ordonnance longbowmen face other superior cavalrymen and janissaries!
On the far right, the "chicken killer" expect other Janissaries that they
confuse short time with chickens ... the Janissaries pursue the longbowmen and,
after, the light infantry which will never be caught!
In the center, a bad maneuver do Our Longbowmen lose front of the Janissaries
and serbian... The Emperor catch them by the ears and returns them to battle to
finish the job with the 16 Swiss pikemen engaged! Finally the poom-poom boys
finish the Serbian knights and enter into the legend!
The Imperial Swiss pikemen stop at 2 MU the opposing table edge when the gong
Two more rounds and The Emperor took the three missing BG, without losing one!
Saturday, September 12 14:00 against the big companies João Costa (P) 163rd,
result, 21.7 to 3.3
Good, the horde of british wishing His Majesty skin should be stay at the pub
... because We meet a Portuguese which play a multitude of BG 4 heavy weapon men
heavily armoured and 2 BG of longbowmen... by six!
We decide to run to him ! One ordonnance longbowmen and the "chickens killers"
on his 2 BG of longbowmen by 6 and with Our Other Longbowmen BG We aim 6
crossbowmen (it's ugly ...) and Our Knights, on this same right wing, decide to
kill 4 average knights than dismount.
The inevitable happened all these people die under shooting or impact of the
knights. Then We fall back on the heavily armoured troops, who tired of their
long walk, offer to His Majesty the missing points!
Sunday, September 13 8:30, the first Achaemenid Persian David Fairhurst (GB)
19th result, 23.3 to 1.7
Here We are again before an British and not some British! The great mayan master
David! Our Master in this field, Our Example!
Stay calm and ordered the troops as usual, without wanting to use Plan B which,
incidentally, does not exist! Especially do not change the doctrine!
It takes place over the entire width of the table. He can do it! We position us
on the left half of the table and place along the table edge, 2 BG of light
infantry (4 poom-poom boys and 6 average javelimen) and 2 BG of 8 longbowmen
front of his 6 poor javelinmen, 6 light archers and 2 BG of sparabara!
In view of all this troops, David's poor javelimen pass behind his sparabaras
that make a quarter turn to go to the center, while the 6 light archers cover
this maneuver!
Error of JAP, David place a general with the last BG ... therefore the
sparabaras can’t achieve second movement to the center and stay on the way of
And there, under highly motivated by their exploits and exhort by The Emperor
the 4 poum-poum boys impact the 6 light archers, disrupted them and are kill a
The blow is hard because the Imperial Longbowmen are less than 6 MU of flank of
the sparabaras! During the melee mild longbowmen lose a base, they are only 4!
At the next turn, the general is the column head and the other sparabaras BG
miss his CMT... Tension is terrible! The victory is played there! We both know !
Imperial Turn! The declares the charge of His Longbowmen on light persian
archers who succeed the test (they are Fragmented) ... and are impacted !
The Imperial Longbowmen charge the flank of the sparabaras column!
The following is cruel but inevitable! The Imperial troops destroy the 4 BG of
the right achaemenid wing and fall back on the center!
In the center, 2 BG of 8 immortals waiting the clash with men-at-arms, knights,
supported by the swiss pikemen ... Luxury support! The impact is shattering and
both BG are breaking in two rounds!
On the right, two other BG of 8 sparabaras come from far to kill O ur "Chickens
Killers". But still a feat of light troops occurs on the right! 4 french light
archers, led by a heroic general, task 2 BG of light persian archers disrupted
... ok! but it is, nonetheless than 4 bases against 14! They held four rounds
and will not be kill!
The wing beat of a Poum-poom Boys Imperial can trigger a storm on a battlefield!
Sunday, September 13 13:00 THE FINAL against Chinese Yuan Dalby Pete (GB) 10th
result, 6.7 to 13.3
We are third and facing an opponent, too daunting, the great Pete Dalby! 9th
worldwide after this tournament that he won!
Despite Our Imperial Victory of the morning, We must remain calm and wait for
the opponent with serenity! Remember there is no Plan B!
Since Friday Pete promises Us this final... he was right! He rarely wrong ... or
may today! He chooses hilly terrain type!
This is a boon for us, We Will Place difficulty land to prevent His heavy horse
archers (1 unprotected BG, 2 protected and 2 armored) and Its light horses
archers (one average BG and one superior) galloping in us going crazy!
The terrain : on the left a huge steep hill on our table edge, front of Us
another in his central part and on our right a third, plus uneven and rough
We must make no mistake that We will pay cash!
So We decide to support us on the left large step hill to rotate our army and
push his horsemen off of table or at least further reduce their space for
So, left to right: men-at-arms, the swiss pikemen, longbowmen, the "chicken
front of them: 3 LF BG to conquer the opposite steep hill to LF that occupy and
the lready famous poom-poom boys on the left.
Behind, supports and reinforcements: 2 BG knights!
Turn now!
On our left, Mongolian horses archers rush on the large steep hill and aim our
baggage! Start immediately a chase between these and Our Brave Poum-Poum Boys
which, in the end part will make LH go back down the hill...
The men-at-arms harassed by shooting crack and rout late on.
Chinese custody successful in repelling Swiss pikemen and knights, despite booed
The Emperor who chanted "chinese go home! chinese go home! "Aided in its
manifestation by Dave Ruddock playing at the next table!
In the center still longbowmen between firefights are to the benefit of His
Majesty but the presence of a general inspired and very well placed support, do
not allow Imperial shooters to win!
The chinese guard successful in repelling the swiss pikemen and the knights,
despite the booed of The Emperor who chanted "chinese go home! chinese go home!
"Aided in its manifestation by Dave Ruddock who playing at the next table!
The second swiss phalanx is taken to task by 2 protected cavalry BG, they impact
successfully, and stand long enough to allow the "chickens killers" to impact
the flank and destroy one cavalry!
Chinese gong sounded and permitted His Majesty to save His Third Place! "Chinese
go home! Chinese go home!"
Note that His Majesty do not kill or wasted no generals in 6 games!
Long live The Emperor and His Poum-Poum Boys!

But surprise! Who is this very happy man on the podium next to finalists, Pete
and His Majesty?
There is, it seems to be second ... how can it?! We have not played against this
british guy!
Ha, it is Paul Johnston who played against Pete .... Nice to meet you!
Everything is perfect now ... cheese!

Congratulations to the young aprentice Philix...

...for his 1st place at...

...Art of War!

Thank you all! The organizers,

the arbitrator,

the players,

the guards of the museum,
the sangria waiter,
shrimp with garlic waitresses,
and to Our Very Imperial Guest Jorge Neto that visit US two days!

Somes pictures of the Art of war game of the champion !
Hi gauls army against...

a the Han chinese army of the american Dannie Martz

...with splendid baggage !

We need this figures !

And here's an African slum to play a modern skirmish game!